Please join us as we serve those less fortunate by packaging goods for food hampers at Harvest Manitoba. It is a wonderful way to act as the hands and feet of Jesus in caring for those who are going through difficult times. Although we do not have direct contact with these families/ individuals, we hope that they can feel God’s love through the care packages they are receiving.
Consider yourself invited and feel free to bring a friend or two!
Please also note: Food supplies are dangerously low at Harvest Manitoba. Can you help? Non-perishable foods including high protein chunky soups, canned beans and meats, peanut butter, pasta, cereal, rice
and baby food are in high demand.
Anyone interested in subscribing to the United Church Observer, please contact Jamie Scharf. Click here to go to The Observer website. Jamie has back order copies that can be lent out for review.
1 Just City
We received some informational brochures from this local United Church charitable organization, 1 Just City. Contact Jamie Scharf for a copy.